Well, this is what we've been up to in the last few months...
Our beautiful baby girl was born,
Gemma Monet
11/16/11, weighing 7.14 lbs.
Sitting with Denea, Gemma's birth mom
Visited by aunt Jen & cousin Owen
Grandma & Grandpa at the hospital
Kade, feeding his baby sister for the 1st time.
My friend, Lisa came for a visit, with her son Carter.
We went on the Polar Express, in Flagstaff.
Gemma loved the train ride.
Sitting with Bryn, and her daughter, Ainsley
Kade & Ainsley looking for Santa
Gemma got her 1st Christmas bell, from Santa.
Ellie, holding Gemma
Daddy & Kade having a snowball fight.
Gemma's 1st time in the snow.
Kade & Mommy
Gemma's 1 month picture
A Cowboy Christmas party with friends.
Check out her little boots!
Christmas party at Rob's building. Santa gave Kade a light Saber.
Daddy & Kade did karaoke.
We went to the Temple lights.
Kade was a wiseman in his preschool play, and on christmas Eve.
Kade & Gemma, playing on the ground.
2 month picture
My Mom's birthday party, in Carmel.
Kade & his cousins, Dante & Alyssa made a sign.
Kade & Alyssa working on the sign.
And yes, they swam in the ocean, in January!!!
You don't care how cold it is when you're a kid!
After our weekend at the beach house, we were able to spend a couple days in the Bay Area, visiting friends.
Annie was trying to hula hoop. Hilarious!
Childrens' Museums are not only for kids...
Kade playing with his buds.
Happy Super Bowl! With the Nelsons and Easts.
Watchin' the game...
bath time
3 month picture
Kade cuddling Gemma in her crib
cute kids
Kade & his friend, Jaylee at T-ball practice
Gemma & Memaw
rainbow jello treats, that Kade & I made for his St. Patrick's day party at preschool.
All the kids, showing us their treats.
Say, "cheeeeeese!"
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