We went up to the white mountains for another weekend of camping. It was a family reunion weekend. We lucked out, and were able to stay in the motor home, with Rob's parents. Friday was Kade's birthday, so he called it his "camping party"...
Kade and his cousin Shelby have birthdays 1 day apart. Grandma made them a cake to celebrate.
Then Kade opened some presents by the campfire.
Grandma & Grandpa chillin' by the fire.
Rob's brother Eric & his wife Kim.
Playing with cousins.
Going on a mule ride.
Gavin, Garth, & Kade
"the big boy cousins"
Kade with jasper, Colton, and Jack
The trailer ride up to Greens' Peak.
All the kids load up camp chairs on the big flat bed trailer, and take a long ride up the mountain. The rest of us ride up on quads, motorcycles, or rhinos.
Rob's cousin, Amber.
The trailer takes off to head back down the mountain.
Rob & Wade had a rock tossing contest.
Look at Wade's form!
Rob's stretching, to get a good toss.
One of Rob's cousins built a big zip line, and Kade was brave enough to go on it.
Kade climbing the ladder to get all hooked up to the zip line.
At the top of the tree, waiting for the ride to start.
When he was all done, he didn't want to take the helmet off, because he wanted to go again.
Playing some baseball.
Check out the catcher...
We had a little Sunday devotional where different families got up to share something.
Another rhino ride.
Charlie, Kade, and Gavin
They never stopped talking or yelling, the whole time.
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