Our ward party was last night, and they go all out! (The beauty of living in AZ is that you can have a Christmas party on December 19th, OUTSIDE!!! It was gorgeous! After the sun went down, a light jacket was needed.)
Santa Claus showed up driving a big red tractor into. It was a hit. While I waited in line for Kade to see Santa, Rob took Kade over to sit on the tractor. He now thinks that Santa is coming on Christmas, riding a tractor. :)
The other big hits of the party:
-Delicious roast and mashed potatoes
-Dutch oven cobbler, peach or pineapple (Rob's fave)
-Live nativity, w/ a sheep (Kade loved the sheep)
-Making a snowman glitter ornament
That sounds like quite the ward party! Wow! I'm jealous! I miss you so much! And Kade looks adorable!! My kids put their fingers in their mouth too when they're nervous... or grab their crotch which has ruined many a picture with Santa!! Oh boys!
how fun!! our ward needs to take page from yours... the other night Matthew asks "When is Kade going to come over again??"
I think we may need to move to Arizona! A party outside in December sounds perfect!
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