If you asked Kade what he was for Halloween, his response would have been , "football helmet." Gary sent Kade a football helmet to complete his costume. He was so excited about it that he has been sleeping with it, next to him, in his crib.
(He now says he was a "football guy" instead of a "football helmet.")
Here are some pics from our busy Halloween. They are completely out of order, but I don't feel like taking the time to rearrange.

The morning that M
emaw brought his football helmet.
Kade &
Memaw at the Church carnival.

Kade loved this game - the goal was to throw a football through a tire. He would play until someone else got in line, and then get in line behind them, to play again.

Check out his form!

Kade &
He was dang cute!

neighborhood had a Halloween festival in the late morning. There was a cupcake decorating table, with all of the cutest stuff.

decorating his cupcake

A balloon man made him a

There was a table for painting pumpkins.

The local 4-H club brought a bunch of baby animals for the kids to pet and feed.
Kade fed the "baby cow."

It was

He loved the baby goat.

petting the bunny

more baby cows


He had to ride on Dad's shoulders by the end of the night.

Happy Halloween!
Great pictures! Isn't Halloween so much more fun with kids?! Kade looked awesome in his football gear!
Hey guys! Love the football costume on Kade. We are making our blog private and would like to invite you to view it still. Throw us an email if you would like to be added. Thanks! Hope all is well.
seriously! check out that form! watch out nfl, here kade comes...in a couple years! :)
karli, your hair is getting so long! way to win on the scrapbook thing too a bit ago! so talented!
oh my goodness. Kade is to die for in that cute football costume...throwing the ball and on daddy's shoulders!! so dang cute!! Oh i miss him. i miss you.
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