We headed up to the mountains, Thursday afternoon, for a weekend of camping. Rob decided that Labor Day weekend would be a good time to get out of town, where cell phones didn't work, and just have a fun time.
Most of you know that camping is not at the TOP of my list of fun times, but I was actually looking forward to it.
Kade was so excited, even though he had no idea what it was. He would just say all week, "go camping!" It had been almost a year since we had camped, so I'm sure he didn't remember what it was. He was just excited because we were excited.
Kade was so good in the car, and it was a long drive... We left around noon, and after a few stops, arrived around 7. He loved having
Boe sitting next to him in the car. He would tell him, "lay down, puppy," and then giggle when
Boe actually did it.
So here are some pics from Labor day weekend.

Eagar Abode
Kade was hiding behind his hat. He didn't want anyone to see how dirty he was. :)
Kade and Daddy tried fishing in the creek. Every time they checked on their lines,
Kade would come back and say, "No fish."
Kade and I picked a bouquet of wildflowers, to decorate our table.

We bought this awesome new air mattress that is lifted up off the ground. It was heavenly. Even the dog had his bed.

Rob was chopping firewood, with a very dull axe.
Kade loved helping Daddy find firewood, especially since he got to go for rides int the mule, or "truck" as he calls it.

Our friends, Scott, Mel, and
Remi arrived on Friday. Deirdre, Gavin, Garth, and her parents showed up Friday night. Saturday morning, Wade, Jack, and Jasper showed up.
Kade was excited to see his friends and cousins. The kids loved playing in the mule.
Kade &
Garth, just

Deirdre's Dad, Rob, & Wade - showing us what he's learned on the guitar.

Hiding out from the rain.
Kade telling Mommy, "No fish!"

Playing by the creek.

Mel &
Kade &
Deirdre & Garth

Boys & Their TOYS!
Kade, Rob, & Mel sitting by the campfire.
The guys went up on the
mountain to shoot guns.
Kade did not like it. But he loved sitting on this motorcycle.

Look, I made it into another picture!
We had a blast! The dog slept for 2 straight days, without eating, after we came home. I was jealous!
How fun! I wish we could have come... Let us know if you go camping again, okay?
Kade is getting soo... big! We miss you! I am glad your dutch oven meal turned out so well. You'll have to send me the recipe. What a great weekend!
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