I think I uploaded my pictures in reverse order. Oops!
We took the youth bowling for mutual, and Kade loved it.
Kade loves to play with hats, because Rob is always teasing him with his hats. Kade has his own Diamondbacks hat, but it's still a little too big. It doesn't stop him from wanting to wear it.
We hiked Squaw Peak with a bunch of Rob's siblings, and their kids. It was quite a hike, but such a beautiful view!
On New Year's Eve day, the Phoenix Zoo brought in snow. You would think Arizonians have never seen snow, because the Zoo was packed! Kade was not a big fan. (Good thing we don't live in Utah anymore.) We ended up spending the day walking around the zoo looking at animals, because he was over the whole snow thing in about 2 minutes.
Our friends from Utah, Marcus & Amy, came over for a game night. Kade had a chance to play with his little friend Lola. They loved hanging out in the wagon together. (Come back soon, guys!)
One of the buildings that Rob has been working at, had an afternoon Christmas party. One of the residents dressed up as Santa. Kade was having a good time talking to Santa.
These next few pictures are kind of dark...but at another work party there was a dance floor and a DJ. Need I say more?
Yes, he was out there all by himself...gettin' down! He was the hit of the party. He even won a gift card for me , for groceries!

I love this one! He is so in to it! I'm pretty sure he had danced with every female buy the end of the night. Rob & I hardly saw him all night, he was pretty busy...
So that's a little bit of what we have been up to lately. We hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas, and brought in the New Year safely. Happy 2009!
Kade is getting so big! He's got some great moves. Looks like you had some fun times.
I was wondering where you have been hiding! I am glad that you had a great Christmas, the pics of Kade dancing are so adorable!
kade is so funny...i love those dancing pictures at the end. we are so glad we got to see you guys and i am TOTALLY bummed because i left that dang cute necklace you made me! ahhh! im so mad. next time we're down there we will come get it. thanks again for a fun night!
You guys are so cute. We loved your Christmas card - except for the fact it had no return address on it. So, if you send it to me I can send you one of ours! We miss you around here.Looks like you had a great Christmas.
Oh, I love all the updates and cute pics of Kade! He is soo handsome! Lovin' his smooth moves on the dance floor.
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