Friday, October 10, 2008

Soccer season is here...

for Rob & I.

We play soccer in a co-ed league. Rob played on a team while we were dating, and I would bring treats and capri suns. Later I joined the team. We had a lot of fun. So when we moved back to AZ we decided to try and get on another team. We found some friends from church and joined them. We just played our 3rd game, and we're all just getting back into shape. 90 minutes of soccer is quite the workout. But we still get capri suns and treats at halftime. Go Comets!

Kade is the team mascot. He comes to every game and just sits happily in his stroller. Everyone comments on how well behaved he is. He is pretty content, most of the time.


AnnieB said...

How fun! And what an awesome way to workout.
Love the sweat on everyone--you can tell you all played hard! You look hot and I love Kade peeking out from his dad's shoulders! So cute!

Letia said...

What a fun way to get some exercise! That is great Kade is so good for you guys.