Rob's sisters, Carolyn & Cherilyn, flew in from Utah & California. We had a couple days of Eagar family fun! Everyone met up for dinner on Friday night...

And enjoyed a little Mexican food.

Kade wasn't feeling too well. He had a fever, and fell asleep on Mommy.

Then we headed over to Eric and Kim's new house, to chat and play "Signs".

Kade, still not feeling well...:(

Deirdre & baby Garth.

The next morning we had caramelized french toast at our house, prepared by Deirdre. And so the "Girls' Day" began. Wade and Rob took all the kids wake boarding...The only problem was that the boat battery was dead. No wake boarding. So a few hours later Kade & Rob were back. In time for a little french toast. It was delicious!

Kim piggin' out! She
is feeding two! :)

And then the crafting began. We decided we wanted to do some type of craft that day. So who did I ask for ideas? My Mom, of course! And everyone brought over what supplies I was missing, and we were crafting away. Wait until you see how cute they are...

Chattin' & craftin'...

They're gonna be so cute!

Ta da! Here we are with our little personalized notebooks. The picture really doesn't do them justice. They did turn out cute & it was fun. (Thanks Mom, for the idea and the extra supplies!)

Then we were off to shove our faces full of food again. Lunch!

Carolyn & Cherilyn

Deirdre & Kim

The sign says, "Arizona School of Massage Therapy." Yes, we did have massages, for $25! We might have to make that a monthly ritual...

We wanted to show the lines on Jen's head, from the massage bed. Cute pic Jen!

We had Saturday night dinner at our house, but Jen cooked. That's the way to go. I love this picture of the Eagar boys watching Spiderman. Kade thinks he's a big boy with his cousins. It was so cute. He wanted to do what they were doing.

He looks like he's really into the movie. He lost interest fairly quickly, and was off to bed.

Girls in the kitchen...

Boys outside playing. (Wade, Jasper & Garth. ) After dinner, we played games for a couple of hours, until the kids started getting tired. It was a busy & fun weekend. We're glad Cherilyn & Carolyn could come out for a visit, and give us an excuse to have "Girls' Day" & lots of family time.
And then...

My Mom & Jodi showed up in Tempe around 1:30. They are here all week for the Mesa Scrapbook Convention. They're staying up in Scottsdale, but I'm sure Kade and I will be seeing a lot of them.
I just found your comment on my blog. Annie didn't tell me you had one! (I'm sure it's on her links - but still nice to blame it on someone else :) We miss you around here. Now at least I can see what you're up to.
love ya
What a fun weekend! I love the pics of sick widdle Kade! (I secretly love babies when they are feverish and sleepy and cuddly!) I want close ups of those cute notebooks and a recipe for the carmelized french toast--that sounds divine! Yum!
(p.s. I told Rach you had a blog she just forgot!!)
I'm with Annie - I need the carmalized French toast recipe! And I want to see a close-up of the notebook. What will you use yours for? Did Kade end up with the flu or anything? We all got it again (all 5 of us) and were finally better by Sunday morning. I hope he didn't have that... By the way, how are those Twilight books coming?? Ü
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