We hope everyone had a fabulous Easter! We went down to Yuma, and the weather was beautiful. My Grandpa hosted Easter, which is always entertaining. The food was delicious, and we had 13 people! That's a lot for us. My Grandpa hid plastic eggs, filled with money and candy, all around his condo. It was pretty funny to watch a bunch of adults running around looking for Easter Eggs!

Rob thinks we're mean for making Kade wear ears, but he seemed to like it!

Kade's 1st time in a swing. We weren't sure if he liked it, granted he did just wake up...
I love him in those ears!
you guys are so cute! time sure flies huh? :)
Oh my, how adorable! I happen to love the bunny ears. We had the same thing for Madison when she was about that age. SO cute!
I tried to convince Dan's family to have an adult egg hunt, I thought that would have been fun!
Rob, the ears are CUTE!
can i come to your grandpa's house for easter!? i want some money-filled eggs!
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