Ready to go to the ward carnival. (And yes, he does have a mouthguard in. He takes his football seriously, even at 3!)

He did knock the pins down, on his 2nd throw!

Larry Fitzgerald & his Super Fans

My friend's boys were dressed as football players also, in their own uniforms, pads and cleets. (They actually play on a team.) And Kade was in constant awe of them. He just wanted to be where the "big football guys" were.

Just chillin' with the "big football guy".


This house had a spooky bridge, with a mummy and smoke. We had to cross it a few times, because he thought it was so "spooky".

Kade loved giving candy to the kids at the door. He called them his "customers". When the doorbell would ring, he would go running to the door, yelling, "My customers are here!" When he answered the door he would say, "Hey guys. What's your costume?"