I know, I know....
Where have we been?
Our external camera drive has been broken since January, and we finally replaced it. So instead of backposting, I'm just uploading a TON of pictures, and giving you little captions underneath.
We're back!!!!!

Kade and his best buddy, Remi. (and their Dads, Rob & Scott)
Rob sent me to California, for my birthday. (It was my Christmas present.) Kade stayed home with Daddy, and a little help from Memaw. I had such a great time with my BFFs, shopping, eating, going to movies, laughing, talking, and then crying when it was time to go home. I MISS them every day!!!!

(Me, Annie & Lisa) Gotta love those Napa outlets!!!

(Me, Lisa & Annie) Out to lunch

Me & My Girl, after a long day of shopping.

(Me & Lisa) Waiting for our chick-flick to start.

(Alison, Annie, Me & Lisa) Out to dinner on my birthday. Those garlic balls were delicious!

Annie & I snuck out after her kids were in bed, to get in another chick-flick at the movies.

I couldn't resist!!!! Gotta love her!

(Alison (ready to pop any day), Me & Annie) Who doesn't love an afternoon pedicure?!

Check out our matching toes! I still had cotton in mine!

Yummy sandwich...

Yummy bagel dog...

Enjoying dinner with my friends.
I had so much fun!
Can't wait to come back!
(Kade keeps talking about me going to California, "just like Lightning Mcqueen goes to California for the big race.")

Kade & Mommy cuddling on the couch.

Kade & Mommy making silly faces.

Kade & Daddy sitting very close to the floor, at the Suns game.
My Mom came to Tucson for her birthday...

Kade & Memaw having a sword fight with their chopsticks.

Hammin' it up with Memaw.

Playing ball with Boe, at the park.

Kade & Memaw loved going "up and down, up and down" on the see-saw.


Memaw's birthday cake, decorated by Kade.
Rob & I took Kade to the Tucson Children's Museum.

He loved this dinosaur that was outside.

He still talks about this Police motorcycle that he sat on.

Check out those cute little buns.