My fabulous friends from CA, John & Annie, were down in Tucson for a family reunion last weekend. Rob was working down there, so Kade and I decided to drive down Friday morning. We headed straight to the Tucson Rodeo, with all of Annie's family in tow. Check out the getup on the kids! Ready for the rodeo!
Annie's 4 year-old signed up for the Mutton Bustin'! He's fearless... They put him in a helmet and safety vest, and then he laid on the back of a sheep, trying to hold on for as long as he could.
But before he could "Mutton Bust" , he had to get some cowboy boots. And my friend John is almost as tight with his money as Rob is, so I couldn't believe he bought boots for his 4 year-old! They were adorable!
Alex is standing in line with the other 4 year-olds, gettin' nervous...
All decked out!
Way to go Alex! I think he held on longer than anyone in his age group!

For competing they gave all the kids a trophy, bandanna, and a belt buckle. He was so proud of his trophy!
Annie & I asked John to take our picture, but I think he was more interested in the tractor.
The cute Blatter Fam.
Annie & taking pics of ourselves, while holding kids on our laps.
Cuddling with Kade & Hannah.
Kade loved the rodeo. He just sat on my lap the whole time, watching the cowboys, cowgirls, horses, and sheep.
John & Alex.
One of Annie's family members even made cute boot and hat cookies.
The Buckin' Broncos were fun to watch!

Check out Owen!

Kade loved hanging out with Jake.
This is about as country as we get, at our house.

Hannah & Owen were checking out the bulls.
Jake showing Kade the horses.
After the rodeo, we headed back to Annie's cousin's house for a "big 'ol bar-b-que!" They had soooo much yummy food! We played baseball & basketball, they set up a bouncy house and a Thomas the Train tunnel. The kids had a blast!
For competing they gave all the kids a trophy, bandanna, and a belt buckle. He was so proud of his trophy!
Check out Owen!
Kade loved hanging out with Jake.
Hannah & Owen were checking out the bulls.
Kade loves anything with a ball. He tried to keep up with the big boys.
Annie & Owen were playing baseball.
Swing Annie! (Isn't she cute!?)
Kade loved the bouncy house. He would giggle, jump, and then fall over.
Bouncy bouncy....
I think Kade played in the Thomas tunnel for an hour. He would crawl around giggling, get to one of the trains and yell, "Mommy," wait for me to take his picture, and be off again.
He's in the train, posing for a picture.
He loved this party!
Annie was stocking the drink bucket with ice, and struggling, so I had to take a pic.
After work, Rob was able to make it to the bar-b-que. He had a chance to see Kade in action. Bounce away, Bud!

After dinner, they had a birthday cake, for all of the different cousins, and all the missed birthdays. Kade decided to help himself to the green frosting.
After most of the family had left, it was bath time for all. You get pretty grimy at the rodeo! Kade & Owen enjoyed their tub time.
The next morning, we headed off to the Tucson International Wildlife Museum. They had every kind of animal on display. It was a neat place!
John was trying to get a head in our picture!

Rob with the Woolly Mammoth. That thing was huge! (I think this is the only Picture that Rob is in. Sorry, Honey!)
Lion Kade.

Owen kept trying to steal Kade's snacks. He was pretty sneaky about it, too!
I seriously don't know what we were trying to do here? Kiss on the cheek or something?
Much better!
Saturday night, we drove back up to Tempe. Of course, John & Annie wanted to hit Cafe Rio for dinner. Annie, Rob & I played some games that night, while John was getting some good sleep before his big drive back to Cali. And then Annie & I stayed up until around 3:30 giggling, talking, and being goofy in front of the camera (wearing the America's Next Top Model jackets I had purchased for us).
We're hot!
I put this picture in, so everyone could check out the farmer burn on my arm. That was from the rodeo! I covered Kade in sunblock, but didn't put any on myself! What was I thinking?
Rob with the Woolly Mammoth. That thing was huge! (I think this is the only Picture that Rob is in. Sorry, Honey!)
Owen kept trying to steal Kade's snacks. He was pretty sneaky about it, too!
Even though I was only able to see them for 2 days, I had so much fun! Come back soon! (I'm sure John won't be too anxious to do that drive again anytime in the near future :):))
Love you guys!
We're hot!