We dug out our "fan tags", I had shirts made, we shopped for food, and we headed out to the arena to see Celine! Just my Mom & me. Our tickets were purchased over a year ago, and the countdown seemed to last forever. I told Rob, "that this was the Christmas present that kept on giving," because I have been looking forward to this concert for a whole year!
It felt like we took a ton of pictures, but when you're taking them of yourselves it takes a ton to get a good one. So keep that in mind...

Here we are in our matching shirts, that I had made. Don't worry, we get a close up of the shirt later.

We arrived a couple hours early, to tailgate. Yes, my Mom & I tailgated at the Celine concert! We even brought a "boom box" and listened to her Cd's. Here's a picture of my Mom, setting up the table. Did I mention we were having a classy tailgate party?

We dined on AJ's fine Foods. We had a cheese ball w/ crackers, a macaroni salad, a broccoli salad, a fruit salad, olives, and sparkling (blood orange) cider. Delicious!

Cheers to us!

We brought a vase, and made a little arrangement for our table. :)

A nice old couple offered to take our picture. This was the best one, out of the 4 he took. He was having a hard time centering and focusing.

Our yummy desserts: a pumpkin cheesecake and a fruit tart. Yum!


One last "Cheers" before we go in.

A view of the stage, from our seats. ( That's without zooming!)

Are we excited, or what?

Here's a close-up of our shirts.

And there she is! (Someone threw that frog on stage, and she carried it around with her for awhile.)

I'm almost in tears, just looking at the pictures...

Belting it out...

There she is on the big monitor.

And there she is, on stage, in front of us!

She sang "My Heart Will Go On" for her final encore song. Those twinkling candles came down from the sky, ans she rose up from the center. It was amazing, hair raising, goose bump causing.

And then it was over, 2 hours and 7 costume changes after it began. She said she's been singing for 20 years, and I'm pretty sure I've been her #1 fan that whole time! And after 20 years, she's still amazing on stage, and her voice is still perfect.

It's all over, but what a great night, that I'll never forget!
Thanks for the ticket, Honey! And thanks for being fanatical right along with me, Mom!
I had a blast!