My 1st kiss was on the tugboats. (I was 2 and Brian Harvey was 3.) My Mom even has the picture. So I thought Kade should have a kiss on the tugboats too! Alex escorted him on the little boat, and Kade loved it!
On Wednesday, Ryan & Alison came over w/ their kids, for a swim party. We swam, the kids played the Wii, we ate, and swam some more.
Alex, Sarah, & Hannah loved playing "tip the alligator".
Pool time!
Annie, me & Kade, & Al, just chillin' by the pool. (Sarah is quite the photographer. She took this picture.)
Kade & Owen in the play room.
We took the kids on a bike ride Thursday afternoon, before I headed to Napa for the rehearsal dinner. Rob flew in Thursday night, and entertained Kade all day on Friday, while I was pampered for the wedding. Lisa & all of the bridesmaids had their hair and makeup done at a local salon. We headed back to her friend, Alynda's house to get dressed, open some gifts & take some photos.
Kade had his 1st taste of Jamba Juice, as he figured out the true purpose of a straw. I wish I could have caught his huge smile on film, after his 1st gulp.
At the wedding...
Lisa & I taking our own picture.
Out on the dance floor. Ben & Lisa's wedding was so beautiful & I felt so privileged to be a part of it.
On Saturday, we kind of took it easy swimming and lounging around the house. There was a 24 hour bug going around the house and John, Hannah, & I had it that day. By the evening we were mostly feeling better.
Jack & Ryder ( the Smyth boys) loved to find "weapons" all over the house.
Hannah & Sarah
John blew up this floating castle, for the pool, and the kids climbed all over it for hours.
Did I say, "kids?" I meant to say, "Rob & the kids climbed all over it for hours." The kids would yell, "Come get us Rob!" or "Go get 'em Wobert!" And of course Rob couldn't resist teasing the kids!
That night Cameron & Natalie came over w/ a huge box from North, socks, flip-flops, shirts, camelback, something for everyone. Cameron had raided the closet at work & came bearing gifts.
Annie & Al are sportin' their new shoes! Rob took Kade on the trampoline & he couldn't stop giggling.
We had dinner at the Blatter's (John's parents), after Church & naps, on Sunday.
Then Annie dropped us off at the airport, and said, "goodbye!" That's the worst! We're going to miss our friends (and the weather) in California! We're so glad that we could come out for a visit!
Kade on the plane. He loved looking at the people behind us.
We miss everyone already!